Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Leaving Europe

J-Dawg continued to help me with my Dutch lessons for the remainder of the month while I was in Belgium. Although I thoroughly enjoyed my time there, I was ready to get back home to speak English, drive my own car, and say 'please' and 'thank you'. I prepared for the 13 hour flight from Brussels to Atlanta and didn't sleep the night before, thinking it would cause me to sleep on the plane. After a 70 Euro (Yikes!) cab ride  to the airport, I went through security and waited at my gate.

As the plane pulled in, I couldn't help but be completely overwhelmed with excitement as I was going home to see my parents, friends, pups, and then graduate! Things really felt as if they were falling into place. On the lengthy flight, I sat next to a rather odd young man who wasn't much of one to talk to strangers. In fact, he seemed afraid of me (ouch). Trying to find things to stay entertained, I read my Nook, looked at magazines, and then decided to begin journaling. With all the new-found smarts I had being a 'world traveler' and all, I thought it best to put pen to paper and do a recap of my trip.

I began writing furiously with thoughts just pouring from my pen. I realized while gone, that although I had missed family, friends and my dogs, that living alone wasn't so bad. Spending time by myself, traveling without someone, and getting to call all my own shots was incredibly comforting. While going to school in Oklahoma, I had similar experiences, but didn't have the same optimism about being alone. Living alone in OK really prepared me for being in a foreign country by myself, and although I've done nothing by the book, I would have done it again all the same.

In the midst of my writing, I had an epiphany!------- I don't need anyone! After being somewhat alone (my sis, her friend, and S were there with me for a part of the time), I realized that I enjoyed my time spent alone, and didn't need a boyfriend or best friend to always be there with me. I could be self-sufficient, and not be attached. It was at that point I decided the split between S and I needed to come sooner rather than later. If I'm gonna stay with someone for a long period of time, I should be able to see myself at the end of the aisle saying "I do" to him. But I didn't.

Upon returning back to the States, I had called it off with S. It was quick and pretty abrupt, but a quick break heals much faster than slow, painful, tearing. It was rocky in the beginning, but I had my mind made up. I knew we were done. It was time to situate my life, graduate and leave the heartbreak town I had outgrown. And besides, S was smart and would be much better off without me so I knew it would all work out for us both in the long run.

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